Jos76’s Blog

Thoughts and musings on life in a gay marriage.

Posts Tagged ‘romney’

Dancing with Bigotry

Posted by jos76 on January 16, 2008


As usual this morning I heard a few remarks on the radio about political candidates who do not support gay marriage.  It’s sad that this has just become part of my morning routine.  After I stop to get my coffee and contribute to the economy and before I get to my job (I’m a teacher), I get to hear my dose of “Marriage is between a man and a woman” and “Gays and lesbians are hurting traditional heterosexual marriage.” 

Then, yesterday, as per usual when I take the train into the city, there was group a teenage boys sitting behind me who must have called each other “gay,” “queer,” “faggot” at least 20 times during the 10 minute ride.  They were unaware of who was on train and did not care.  I’m sure that they would not have made obvious racial comments at the risk of other people on the train confronting them for their ignorance and bigotry. But, everyone heard their homophobic slurs and no one was concerned.

To those of us who live in this reality everyday, it is mind-boggling.  Don’t the political candidates understand how their views and stances influence the public around them.  “If it’s okay for Romney to say that he doesn’t agree with homosexuality, then it must be okay for me to make fun of them and maybe even be violent toward them.”

I’m not typically this politically charged, but I have been hearing parts of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ” I have a Dream” speach a lot lately (with MLK Day coming up in a few days) and his ideal of freedom is on my mind.  I’m sure anti-gay political candidates will take time out to honor Dr. MLK next week and take a stance for what he was working for, then, right after, they will dance around the issue of gay marriage and civil rights.

Ok, that’s my rant for the week.  I promise to be more clever and amusing in the future.  I think Huckabe and Romney are each taking a turn dancing with bigotry tonight on the news, so I have to get going.


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